----Sweetness aka Freckles
"forgivness means giving up all hope for a better past"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

1/30/2011 365 pics


newly twisted hair


in the background…. fox football….. my sunday winter passion….

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

good morning gerald levert

{DISCLAIMER} I Don't Own This Song No Copy Right Intended This Song Belongs To It Respective Owners Please Support The Artist By Buying Their Songs/Album

Saturday, January 22, 2011

357 am

{DISCLAIMER} I Don't Own This Song No Copy Right Intended This Song Belongs To It Respective Owners Please Support The Artist By Buying Their Songs/Album

365 photo 1/22/11



sorry for the missing bite….. dinner tonight was hot dogs and chips


and of course I had to buy me some brats for the occasion 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

365 photo 1/18/2011



pic for today is a constant nuisance on marta…. out of order escalators

Saturday, January 15, 2011

jan 15 365 photo


my lovely hair…. freshly washed and retwisted


ready for the falcons-packers football game……….



Friday, January 14, 2011

jan 14 365 photo


and still more ice 


before and after…… in an effort to prevent falling on my booty…. I cleared off my front porch……



and because im tired of pics of ice…..  a pic of my sons head….where he has been the whole week doing what he has been doing the whole week100_5450

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


enjoy some chocolate

365 photo jan 12 2011

so I still reside in ICELANTA and the last thing I wanted to post today is a pic of ice….

but I got out today and walked down the hill to the store and todays pic is of ice


this is the road around the corner from my apt… not much sun means loads of ice…always….


this is actually right at my apt…. I have  to walk through this ice to get to the other ice 


and since I really didn’t want to post ice as my pic today…this is my dinner….sausage, peppers and onions over rice….. I cant cook rice though…….. but it was ok

31 day reset challenge Day 4 Envision Your Values In Action

This is the exercise for Day 4 of Rosetta Thurman's 31 Days to Reset Your Lifeproject from her website Happy Black Woman.

Part 1: Am I Currently Living Out My Values?

Now that you're clear on what you really care about, you want to compare your values to how you're currently living your life. For each value that you identified in your "Reset 10", rate yourself from 1-10 on how you feel you're acting out that particular value in your life. Be honest with yourself - it's the only way to be able to improve upon the life you're living now to the life you want to be living in the future!

Part 2: What Do My Values Look Like in Action?

For each value that you identified in your "Reset 10", list out at least three actions that you currently take or that you should be taking in order to honor and fulfill that value in your life. What kinds of things would you be doing if you were living in full accordance with your values? What would it really look like for you to be able to rate yourself as a "10" on how you live out all your values?

My “Reset 10” Values ”

family 5.25

  • parents (mom 8, dad 0)  resolve old issues, forgive and forget, decide what relationship to have
  • siblings  8  initiate more contact, be more understanding, talk more
  • kids  5  figure out wtf is going on, be more open, try to be there

friends 7 initiate more contact, I am more open and friendly, I hang out when I can

love( finding it, accepting it, giving it)  5 

helping others 8  I do the support group, I'm always available, looking for more ways to help

self(loving self) 6  just do it, working on just doing it, say it loud

honesty(with myself and others) 6  stop being afraid to say what I think for fear of hurting folks,  admit to myself how I really think and feel, just do it

growth(personal, emotional, educational) 6  I continue to try to improve, work on IT certs, keep working on me

travel(cruising, going places I've never been) 7   thinking of places I want to go, planning next vacation/cruise, finding ways to do vacations on MY dime

Communication 6   be more open,  say exactly what your heart is saying,  be more personable in person

anything that is the opposite of depression 6   recognize the signs, admit and deal with issues as they pop up and not let fester,  therapy

ok day 4 complete….not sure how if I did this correctly.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


and so its day 3 or 4 of winter weather 2011…. the snow came sunday night….the ice came monday and hotlanta is now icelanta…….kids are out of school…even in SC the kids are out….. the roads are iced over and either shut down or soooooo backed up who wants to go out there….

I normally wouldn’t mind being in the house but the thought that I cant go anywhere if I wanted to is grating on my nerves a lil…. Delacey isnt eatting me out of a house and home so im not to stressed bout that…. someone made it to the DOL to  hit the button so I can get paid so im not stressed about that….. I just want to look out my window and NOT SEE SNOW/ICE.

I was trying to figure out what to blog about today…. I did my 365 pic… I did my 31 day reset challenge…. soooo what now…..

I got to thinking…. I used to be really smart… I mean really… in high school… I was smart…or I thought I was… I made good grades… all except economics I just wasn’t getting that…. my senior year I made all straight As.  I never had to study…. folks used to come to me for help… I was smart… I graduated 11th in my senior class…. I got a scholarship to Clemson University… I mean it… I was smart….. I was also smart outside school…. I mean when I started having sex I had enough common sense to get on the pill….. I didn’t get in much trouble at home… hell I was dayum near perfect

and then……………………

what happened??? who are you asking…. I got pregnant at 18.  still went to clemson… got to clemson and realized I really wasn’t smart   lol… most of the stuff they were teaching was over my head…especially math… I didn’t know how to study…..I did aight but…….. my major was industrial management….wtf is that…..

I really don’t know what the purpose of this blog is….. theres lots I could say but……..

anywho…fast forward …add an additional kid…a husband…. a couple failed relationships… and a move to atl…..a couple more failed relationships 

and here I sit writing this blog about absolutely nuthing   lol


once upon a time I didn’t cry

then there was a time I couldn’t stop crying

then there was a time I decided to allow myself the time to cry to help heal the hurt

and once again… im at a time where I don’t cry…..

31 day reset challenge - day 3 identify your values


What matters most to you in life? The answer to this question is called your values. Often we find that we've forgotten about that which we care about because we allowed ourselves to get stuck doing something else, on someone else's agenda. Take at least 15 minutes to jot down a free-for-all list of what means a lot to you.

Just a few examples of values include:

  • Achievement, fame, advancement, leadership
  • Money, power, authority, economic security
  • Having a family, children, love, community, friendships
  • Nature, religion, public service, ecological awareness, healthy living, physical challenge
  • Democracy, civic involvement, wisdom, integrity, truth
  • Location, privacy, country, adventure, fast-paced living

Remember, these are just examples. There are many more you can - and should - think of on your own. Most people come up with at least a dozen values once they get going. Once you identify all of your values - all the things you care about, choose your "Reset 10" - a list of your TOP 10 values from your list. They don't have to be in any particular order, though you may certainly rank them if you'd like.


My “Reset 10” Values are”



love( finding it, accepting it, giving it)

helping others

self(loving self)

honesty(with myself and others)

growth(personal, emotional, educational)

travel(cruising, going places ive never been)


anything that is the opposite of depression



so there are my 10 reset values…………. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

jan 11, 2011 365 photo


for todays photo I could have just used one from yesterday cause aint shyt changed here in iceland…. I mean atlanta….. still lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of ICE….. folks are going stir crazy….kids outta school… govt offices closed… the mall closed…major highways closed or backed up for most of the day…..

northerners are talking shyt but heck they don’t get ice like the south gets ice…..id love to have a snow day without the freezing rain and sleet…..


any who…here is todays pics




ICE …..ICE…..ICE….


my front door step……ice




just grey and icey……not the Hotlanta you were thinking of huh

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10 2011 365 photo

todays photo(actually yesterdays cuz im doing this a day late) is of the wonderful NOT snow that descended upon Atlanta Ga Sunday night….

oh wait…that aint just snow anymore….its snow covered by ICE…….




this is a nice pic of the back of my apt


The road in front of my apt.  you need ice skates to navigate that road…not snow shoes.


Can you see the icicle dangling from the lamp post…….


day 2 31 day reset challenge

today is day 2 of the 31day reset challenge 

The purpose of this exercise is twofold:

  • To force you to own up to exactly what’s lacking right now in your life.
  • To give you encouragement to build on what’s already great about it.

To complete this exercise, you will conduct an honest assessment of the seven specific areas of your life:


  • Lifestyle (satisfaction with where you live/living environment, how you spend your leisure time these days)
    • love  I like my current apt…. its mine and its not an extended stay hotel room.  I think I like how I spend my leisure time…its mostly spent at home in front of the tv and pc but that’s what I do. if I want to go out I do so I don’t think im missing much
    • hate I don’t really hate anything about my lifestyle…maybe if I had a car I could get out more but maybe not
  • Work (satisfaction with where you work right now, what you do to earn your living)
    • love I have learned to enjoy working in accounts payables.  I have reached a point where when I do work I am earning what I feel I should be earning
    • hate of course I hate the fact that I don’t have a job right now.  it would be really good to find a permanent position but I am still hopeful.
  • Education(satisfaction with your educational attainment to date – college, vocational school and other learning goals)
    • love I am very happy that I was able to go back to school and complete my associates in business administration and my bachelors in information technology.
    • hate I hate that I did not correctly evaluate my decision to get an IT degree online… so now I have a degree and student loans yet I cant work in my field.  I still need to get my certifications and i am waffling on that.  I still want to do IT but right now my “its hard” theory is kicking in……I need to do better.
  • Finances(the current state of your budget/money management, salary, net worth, debt-to-income ratio)
    • love what is there to love about being broke  lol…. I am happy that in the 2 yrs since I was laid off my last permanent job, I have not lost anything. im still in my apt… yes my student loans are past due but me and mine still have a roof over our heads that isnt an extended stay hotel…. im making it….. with Gods help and the help of friends and family….. im making it…. 
    • hate I surely hate not working and having the money to pay all my bills on time and on my own resources… I am appreciative of the help I receive but I do prefer to be “independent” and provide for myself. I am not happy that my debt to income ratio is off the scale in the wrong direction but I understand why and im dealing with it.
  • Health(the current state of your mental, physical and spiritual health – mind, body, soul)
    • love I am in a much better spot mentally than I have ever been.  im not vain or stupid enough to believe that I am totally done with depression but I can say that I have learned how to effectively deal with my depressive episodes. I am very grateful that recent events in my life did not send me into a major depression spell and that I am able to overcome and live a wonderful life despite those events.
    • hate I hate that because I am not working I do not have health insurance and so the health issues that I have…. I am learning to deal with until I can get to a doctor…. my spiritual health is also not what it used to be…. I don’t like it but im not ready to work on that yet.
  • Family(the quality of your relationships with family members, siblings,  children)
    • love at this time in my life… my relationships with my siblings and mom are the best they have been… I love them very much and of course my grand daughter is the joy of my life
    • hate I am not happy about the state of the my relationship with my kids….. I am hopeful(most of the time) that as time passes things will improve.  the relationship with my dad is still non existent but this will be the time for me to decide what, if anything, to do about that.
  • Relationships (the quality of your relationships with friends and romantic partners)
    • love I hate to say that my friendships at this moment in my life are a source of joy for me….. wait….ok this is better…. I still talk to friends from my home town in SC and I have friends that I still talk to that I met when I first got to ATL 12 yrs ago….. in the past 2.5 yrs ive added even more friends to my collection(LOL) and I have the most wonderful people in my life right now…. who could ask for anything more 
    • hate I can say that I am not tremendously happy about my romantic situation at this time

and so I have completed day 2 of the 31 day challenge……..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9 2011 365 photo

I waited and waited and finally got my pic for today….100_5411

well at first I didn’t think I was going to have a pic so I did a before pic…before the snow


but nope….8pm my picture showed up and there is snow in da atl today january 9 2011


this was an airplane about to land…..


and this is what we ended up with


snow jan 9 2011 atlanta ga

january 9 2011

sooooo i read about this 31 days to reset your life challenge here.   i aint making any promises but i will attempt to do this..... now lets see what day one says

Step 1: Choose a Reset Notebook
To participate fully in the exercises for the month ahead, you will need a dedicated, blank notebook for the exercises. You will be using it everyday to record your responses, insights and "aha moments" throughout the challenge. It can be a notebook you already have but haven't used yet or it can be a brand new notebook that you buy specifically for this program.
If you already have a public blog, you can also use your online space to keep track of the exercises, but due to the nature of the challenge, you may not want to share EVERY little detail of what comes to your mind during this self-discovery process. So, I recommend that you designate a physical notebook to go along with your online tools.
Step 2: Choose a Personal Mantra
A mantra is a positive phrase or affirmative statement that you say to yourself for the purpose of motivation or encouragement. This could be your favorite quote, proverb, spiritual truth or religious saying. (If you don't know where to look for inspiring quotes, I always find great ones onThe Daily Love website and you can see a listing of 58 of my favorite quotes compiled here.) For this exercise, you'll want to choose one that represents what you hope to become or believe by the end of this challenge. Then, write it on the first page of your reset notebook as a kind of blessing on everything that will be written and accomplished this month.
When you're done, please share your personal mantra with us in the comments! And, I'd love to hear what kind of notebook you chose. Mine is a little red Moleskine :) 
Note: If you blogged about today's assignment, please post the link in the comments section as well so we can read it!
To your lifelong happiness and success,


soo ok i gotta find me a notebook to use along with this blog thingy

now for the mantra....hmmmmmmmmmm  i will use my quote in my email which should be on the blog thingy

forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past

and day one is over.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

365 photos 1/8/11

january 8 2011

"forgivness means  giving up all hope for a better past"

365 Photos january 2 2011


Jacksonville beach

repeat of jan 2008





someone wrote my name in the sand



January 1 2011

1/1/11  nighttime  on the way to Joe Crab shack

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365 photos

ok im having issues putting all the pics in one post so ill do them separately ....

staring dec28 the last pic of 2010 

Photo: 100 5018 | carnival-sensation-2010 album | Sweetness | Fotki.com, photo and video sharing made easy.

Photo: 100 5018 | carnival-sensation-2010 album | Sweetness | Fotki.com, photo and video sharing made easy.

ok lets see what this does

Still playing around

New to blogging and figuring it all out..... This is sent via email.... The other one was sent via text from the phone..... Hmmmmmmm this could really work..... I can just email the blogs   lol
Lets add a pic
This should be a pic of the gumbo we ate in Jacksonville.... If not...oh well we will try again   lol
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Playing around

Jan 8 2011

getting a late start on the new year but figured id start this 365 photo thing over again....see how long we last this time...... sooooooo

on to 2011

about me

im 39 black female... unemployed.... mother of 2 grandmother of 1 angel......

ok thats it for now