----Sweetness aka Freckles
"forgivness means giving up all hope for a better past"

Sunday, January 9, 2011

january 9 2011

sooooo i read about this 31 days to reset your life challenge here.   i aint making any promises but i will attempt to do this..... now lets see what day one says

Step 1: Choose a Reset Notebook
To participate fully in the exercises for the month ahead, you will need a dedicated, blank notebook for the exercises. You will be using it everyday to record your responses, insights and "aha moments" throughout the challenge. It can be a notebook you already have but haven't used yet or it can be a brand new notebook that you buy specifically for this program.
If you already have a public blog, you can also use your online space to keep track of the exercises, but due to the nature of the challenge, you may not want to share EVERY little detail of what comes to your mind during this self-discovery process. So, I recommend that you designate a physical notebook to go along with your online tools.
Step 2: Choose a Personal Mantra
A mantra is a positive phrase or affirmative statement that you say to yourself for the purpose of motivation or encouragement. This could be your favorite quote, proverb, spiritual truth or religious saying. (If you don't know where to look for inspiring quotes, I always find great ones onThe Daily Love website and you can see a listing of 58 of my favorite quotes compiled here.) For this exercise, you'll want to choose one that represents what you hope to become or believe by the end of this challenge. Then, write it on the first page of your reset notebook as a kind of blessing on everything that will be written and accomplished this month.
When you're done, please share your personal mantra with us in the comments! And, I'd love to hear what kind of notebook you chose. Mine is a little red Moleskine :) 
Note: If you blogged about today's assignment, please post the link in the comments section as well so we can read it!
To your lifelong happiness and success,


soo ok i gotta find me a notebook to use along with this blog thingy

now for the mantra....hmmmmmmmmmm  i will use my quote in my email which should be on the blog thingy

forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past

and day one is over.


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