----Sweetness aka Freckles
"forgivness means giving up all hope for a better past"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

31 day reset day 5 envision your values in action

Yesterday, you identified your values and narrowed them down to a list of 10 of the most important ones. Today, we’re going to take that exercise a step further by completing the second task in developing a personal mission statement over the next few days: envisioning your values in action.
We all know that actions speak louder than words. It’s one thing to say what you care about, but much harder to walk your talk. Today’s exercise involves two parts to help you dig deeper in thinking about how you can incorporate your values into your daily life.
Estimated Time to Complete: 60-90 minutes

Now that you’re clear on what you really care about, you want to compare your values to how you’re currently living your life. For each value that you identified in your “Reset 10″, rate yourself from 1-10 on how you feel you’re acting out that particular value in your life. Be honest with yourself – it’s the only way to be able to improve upon the life you’re living now to the life you want to be living in the future!

For each value that you identified in your “Reset 10″, list out at least three actions that you currently take or that you should be taking in order to honor and fulfill that value in your life. What kinds of things would you be doing if you were living in full accordance with your values? What would it really look like for you to be able to rate yourself as a “10″ on how you live out all your values?
Take Action and Reflect: When you’re done, please share your “values in action″ with us in the comments! Feel free to share Part 1 or 2 or both. Were there any “aha” moments you experienced as you completed this exercise? If you blogged about today’s assignment, please post the link in the comments so we can read it!

Previously this was Day 4 and I here were my original thoughts
My “Reset 10” Values ”
family 5.25
  • parents (mom 8, dad 0)  resolve old issues, forgive and forget, decide what relationship to have I would change this to give Dad a 2
  • siblings  8  initiate more contact, be more understanding, talk more this would stay the same
  • kids  5  figure out wtf is going on, be more open, try to be there  this is the same
friends 7 initiate more contact, I am more open and friendly, I hang out when I can  the same
love( finding it, accepting it, giving it)  5 this is the same
helping others 8  I do the support group, I'm always available, looking for more ways to help  not sure what more I can do but I believe there is room for improvement so ill leave it an 8
self(loving self) 6  just do it, working on just doing it, say it loud   maybe a 5 now
honesty(with myself and others) 6  stop being afraid to say what I think for fear of hurting folks,  admit to myself how I really think and feel, just do it   this may be down to a 4 now
growth(personal, emotional, educational) 6  I continue to try to improve, work on IT certs, keep working on me  still a 6
travel(cruising, going places I've never been) 7   thinking of places I want to go, planning next vacation/cruise, finding ways to do vacations on MY dime still the same
Communication 6   be more open,  say exactly what your heart is saying,  be more personable in person  probably down to a 4 now
anything that is the opposite of depression 6   recognize the signs, admit and deal with issues as they pop up and not let fester,  therapy   the same
ok day 4 complete….not sure how if I did this correctly.
ok so I guess things are basically the same as in January…. a few things have changed for the better and some gotten worse….. still a work in progress
and day 5 is complete…. yeah yeah yeah… im going back to day 3   lol

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