----Sweetness aka Freckles
"forgivness means giving up all hope for a better past"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

31 day reset day 2 again take an hones assessment of your life


Many of us have a love/hate relationship with the current state of our lives. There are some things that we enjoy and appreciate about our circumstances, but if we’re honest with ourselves, there are some things we want to change about them, too. But before you can get clear about where and how you might improve, you need to have a good sense of where you are right now. You need to take an honest assessment of your current reality.

The purpose of today’s two-part exercise is twofold:

  1. To force you to own up to exactly which areas you’d like to improve upon in your life.
  2. To give you encouragement to build on what’s already great about it.

Estimated Time to Complete: 60- 90 minutes

To complete this exercise, you will take an honest assessment of seven specific areas of your life:

  • Lifestyle (satisfaction with where you live/living environment, how you spend your leisure time these days)
  • Work (satisfaction with where you work right now, what you do to earn your living)
  • Education (satisfaction with your educational attainment to date – college, vocational school and other learning goals)
  • Finances (the current state of your budget/money management, salary, net worth, debt-to-income ratio)
  • Health (the current state of your mental, physical and spiritual health – mind, body, soul)
  • Family (the quality of your relationships with family members, siblings, children)
  • Relationships (the quality of your relationships with friends and romantic partners)

For each of these specific areas of your life, simply ask yourself two questions.

  1. What do I LIKE about this area of my life?
  2. What do I DISLIKE about it?

You can either write your responses in your Reset Notebook or print out the Life Assessment Worksheet below. Just print it out, write your answers and insert or paste into your Notebook.

Download the Life Assessment Worksheet (optional)

so here is the original day two posting

  • Lifestyle (satisfaction with where you live/living environment, how you spend your leisure time these days)
    • love  I like my current apt…. its mine and its not an extended stay hotel room.  I think I like how I spend my leisure time…its mostly spent at home in front of the tv and pc but that’s what I do. if I want to go out I do so I don’t think im missing much
    • hate I don’t really hate anything about my lifestyle…maybe if I had a car I could get out more but maybe not
    • I guess I feel the same way I did in January.  Maybe I wish I could hang out with my friends more, but that will come in time once I get a permanent job.
  • Work (satisfaction with where you work right now, what you do to earn your living)
    • love I have learned to enjoy working in accounts payables.  I have reached a point where when I do work I am earning what I feel I should be earning
    • hate of course I hate the fact that I don’t have a job right now.  it would be really good to find a permanent position but I am still hopeful.
    • still feel the same way about this….
  • Education(satisfaction with your educational attainment to date – college, vocational school and other learning goals)
    • love I am very happy that I was able to go back to school and complete my associates in business administration and my bachelors in information technology.
    • hate I hate that I did not correctly evaluate my decision to get an IT degree online… so now I have a degree and student loans yet I cant work in my field.  I still need to get my certifications and i am waffling on that.  I still want to do IT but right now my “its hard” theory is kicking in……I need to do better.
    • still feel the same way about this….. thinking of doing CED solutions to get certifications
    • completed 2 excel classes(level 1 and 2) and access level 2 at CED
  • Finances(the current state of your budget/money management, salary, net worth, debt-to-income ratio)
    • love what is there to love about being broke  lol…. I am happy that in the 2 yrs since I was laid off my last permanent job, I have not lost anything. im still in my apt… yes my student loans are past due but me and mine still have a roof over our heads that isnt an extended stay hotel…. im making it….. with Gods help and the help of friends and family….. im making it….
    • hate I surely hate not working and having the money to pay all my bills on time and on my own resources… I am appreciative of the help I receive but I do prefer to be “independent” and provide for myself. I am not happy that my debt to income ratio is off the scale in the wrong direction but I understand why and im dealing with it.
    • still feel the same
  • Health(the current state of your mental, physical and spiritual health – mind, body, soul)
    • love I am in a much better spot mentally than I have ever been.  im not vain or stupid enough to believe that I am totally done with depression but I can say that I have learned how to effectively deal with my depressive episodes. I am very grateful that recent events in my life did not send me into a major depression spell and that I am able to overcome and live a wonderful life despite those events.
    • hate I hate that because I am not working I do not have health insurance and so the health issues that I have…. I am learning to deal with until I can get to a doctor…. my spiritual health is also not what it used to be…. I don’t like it but im not ready to work on that yet.
    • things are still the same with this…..
  • Family(the quality of your relationships with family members, siblings,  children)
    • love at this time in my life… my relationships with my siblings and mom are the best they have been… I love them very much and of course my grand daughter is the joy of my life
    • hate I am not happy about the state of the my relationship with my kids….. I am hopeful(most of the time) that as time passes things will improve.  the relationship with my dad is still non existent but this will be the time for me to decide what, if anything, to do about that.
    • still feel the same with this
  • Relationships (the quality of your relationships with friends and romantic partners)
    • love I hate to say that my friendships at this moment in my life are a source of joy for me….. wait….ok this is better…. I still talk to friends from my home town in SC and I have friends that I still talk to that I met when I first got to ATL 12 yrs ago….. in the past 2.5 yrs ive added even more friends to my collection(LOL) and I have the most wonderful people in my life right now…. who could ask for anything more
    • hate I can say that I am not tremendously happy about my romantic situation at this time
    • the friendships have remained the same
    • the romantic partners has changed. I am currently in a relationship with a former partner. this certainly wasn’t expected but it is what it is

and day two is completed………………………..again   lol

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