----Sweetness aka Freckles
"forgivness means giving up all hope for a better past"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fwd: I am helping create more birthdays

Hi there -

I know you're busy so I'll keep this quick. I just signed up for an event that's really important to me - the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk - and I wanted to ask if you would...

Please Consider Making a Donation

OK, that really was the quick (and to-the-point) version, but if you have another minute, I'll tell you a little more. There are 2.5 million breast cancer survivors who celebrated another birthday last year because people like you made a donation in support of people like me. Helping the American Cancer Society continue their work in the fight against breast cancer is really important to me. Last year, Making Strides raised $60 million to help people stay well and get well, to find cures, and fight back against breast cancer - and it happened one $10, $25, and $50 donation at a time. I've signed up for this event because I really want to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer and your donation of any amount - will help me do that.

I'll let you get back to your day - and I hope to send you an email soon thanking you for your donation. Also, if you'd like to learn more about why I'm raising money for the American Cancer Society through Making Strides, click here!

Many thanks,

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"forgiveness means  giving up all hope for a better past"

"forgiveness means  giving up all hope for a better past"

Friday, October 7, 2011

good morning

happy friday..... its the weeeeekennnnnndddddd babbbbeeeeeee

"forgiveness means  giving up all hope for a better past"

Friday, August 12, 2011

31 day reset day 10 DO ONE THING

This post is Day 10 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

After creating a life map yesterday, now it’s time to take some action on those goals! It’s nice to take time to be dreamy and in your head (and we will do even more of that in the upcoming days of the challenge), but for you to really get reconnected to your dreams, you will need to start putting some real stuff out there in the universe. Like right now.

Today, you will do one thing to move yourself closer to your ideal life. We will be embarking on some more in-depth action planning later this month, but today’s exercise is meant to begin building some initial momentum for your journey.

Estimated Time to Complete: Varies

Today’s exercise is NOT related to your everyday to-do list. You are being asked to complete one task that is personally significant to you and your ideal life. This task should help you get started on a specific goal you’ve identified during the challenge, either from your life map or your personal mission statement. Your “one thing” should meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Something you’ve been procrastinating on
  • Something that terrifies you
  • Something that inspires you

The main requirement for this exercise is that the action you take must be tangible and measurable. Basically, if I were there with you looking over your shoulder, I would be able to see clearly with my own eyes that the task was completed.

Some examples to jog your imagination:

  • You want to have better relationships with your family. Call that aunt you haven’t spoken to for three years. Buy a plane ticket to visit your brother.
  • You want to go back to school. Research some programs online and call or email to request information packets from the ones you like the best.
  • You want to own your own home. Sign up for a homeownership class or buy a book about how to begin the process.
  • You want to be healthier. Throw out all the junk food from your cabinets. Then go grocery shopping today and only buy healthy foods. Or sign up for a gym membership.
  • You want to save money. Open up a savings account. You can do that online now with most banks from your computer or phone. Then set up a recurring direct deposit from your checking account.
  • You want to improve your credit. Obtain your current credit report. If you haven’t done it yet this year, you can get one free here.
  • You want to start your own business. Complete the necessary forms and register your business name with your state.
  • You want to find a romantic partner. Approach someone you like or find attractive and ask for their phone number. Or sign up for an online dating service.

The possibilities are endless! Whatever you do, make the task specific and only focus on that one thing for today. I know you’re busy. But no matter how busy you are, you can always do at least one thing every day to move yourself closer to living the life of your dreams. And really, isn’t life too short not to?

Take Action and Reflect: When you’re done, tell us about what you did in the comments! Also let us know if any immediate results have occurred, either with an outcome or simply a change in your frame of mind.  How did completing this exercise make you feel? If you blogged about today’s assignment, please post the link in the comments so we can read it!



OK  my thing I actually started doing before I go to this post.  Today I started reviewing the information needed to obtain a Microsoft Office Specialist certification. 

mos certification

I would like to go for the Master certification.

I have obtain quite a collection of books to learn excel, word, access, powerpoint and sharepoint so I am certainly on my journey.

31 day reset day 9 Create a life map

This post is Day 9 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

Over the past few days, you’ve reflected about the current state of your life through assessing your values and actions. Now, you’ll get a chance to begin to go in-depth about your goals for each of the seven areas of your life identified in Day 2′s life assessment exercise. Today, you will create a life map.

A life map is essentially a visual/text representation of what your ideal life looks like. It’s really and truly one of the most powerful personal development tools for both envisioning and creating a “map” for the path to your own happiness.

Last year, I made a video about how to create a life map and how the process actually led my mom to start her own “side hustle” three years ago, which has since blossomed into a profitable, full-time fitness consulting business. This is powerful stuff!

Keep in mind that your life map should be in accordance with your values and your personal mission statement. The idea is that now that you’ve got a sense of where your life is, you can begin to think more clearly about where exactly you want it to go. Ready?

Estimated Time to Complete: 60-90 minutes

Please download the Life Mapping Workbook to assist you in creating your life map. It’s a 13-page easy-to-use PDF guide to creating your own life map with colorful worksheets like the one you see above. You will want to print it out and follow the instructions inside.

Download the Life Mapping Workbook

Just to give you an idea of the end point, here’s my completed life map in a visual.

Take Action and Reflect: When you’re done, please share your life map with us in the comments! Feel free to post it in either text or picture form or both. Were there any “aha” moments you experienced as you completed this exercise? If you blogged about today’s assignment, please post the link in the comments so we can read it!




31 day reset day 8 keep a gratitude Journal

This post is Day 8 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle or you can live as if everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

Over the course of this month, you will be manifesting new habits and wonderful outcomes for your life. Sometimes though, we have to learn how to be grateful for what we have before the universe will give us more.

Today, you will keep a gratitude journal. Studies have shown that cultivating a sense of thankfulness in your everyday life is good for your mental health and emotional well-being. In fat, UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons has demonstrated such in his research:

The evidence that cultivating gratefulness is good for you is overwhelming. Gratitude is a quality that we should aspire to as a part and parcel of personal growth…Specifically, we have shown that gratitude is positively related to such critical outcomes as life satisfaction, vitality, happiness, self-esteem, optimism, hope, empathy, and willingness to provide emotional and tangible support for other people, whereas being ungrateful is related to anxiety, depression, envy, materialism, and loneliness.

Indeed, in times like these, we need more gratitude. More optimism. Not more stuff to be happy about, just simply more expressions of being grateful for what we already have or experiences we’ve had in the past.

Estimated Time to Complete: 30 minutes

Today’s exercise requires you to be very conscious and mindful of the blessings – big and small – that surround you. Throughout the day, write down everything that you’re grateful for. Your list should contain at least FIVE items. It may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions over the course of your day as “gratitude prompts”:

  • What am I thankful for in this moment?
  • What’s working for my good right now?
  • Today, I’m grateful for . . .

You may answer with things, people, emotions, circumstances, et. It’s up to you to take stock of whatever the universe is providing for you.

Take Action and Reflect: When you’re done, please share your gratitude journal with us in the comments! What were the five things you were most thankful for today? Start your comment off with “Today, I am grateful for . . .” If you blogged about today’s assignment, please post the link in the comments so we can read it!



God and his Infinite Wisdom, wonderful blessings and endless grace and mercy

my family, warts and all

my wonderful friends whom I know have my back when I need them

2 children and 1 grand that are the highlight of my life…….most of the time

the growth ive had in the past 4 yrs

ATL Shawty  Smile

the memories of my grandparents and other family members who have gone home

the internet  SmileSmile and facebook  SmileSmileSmileSmileSmile

im grateful

31 day reset day 7 Rest Reflect Commit

This post is Day 7 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the first week of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge. In case you missed it, I posted a handy Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your #31DayReset to ensure you are maximizing this experience. For most participants, it has been a productive and enlightening week. For others, it may have been a bit more difficult to keep up with the daily assignments. That’s why today is dedicated to giving you time to catch up and reflect on the past week’s exercises as well as to connect with others in the challenge.

Estimated Time to Complete: 30 minutes

Today’s exercise is an opportunity for you to rest from all your inner work this week as well as reflect on your learning and share in your fellow participants’ progress over the past few days. Being able to compare and contrast your experiences and offer encouragement to others can be extremely useful as you move forward in your personal development journey! If you missed any of the assignments this week, this is also your chance to catch up.

  • What was the most important thing you learned about yourself this week?
  • What has been your favorite exercise so far? What did you like about it?
  • Which exercise did you struggle with the most and why?

1 most important thing learned  - while I have growth….I still have a ways to go……

2  favorite exercise????  none  Smile

3  the hardest exercise was the mission statement… putting in to words the things I value was hard for me to explain

31 day reset day 6 write a personal mission statement

Over the past few days, you’ve taken two important steps toward developing a personal mission statement: identifying your values and envisioning your values in action. For most people, it is truly an eye-opening process to write out your values for your life and then compare them to how you actually balance your priorities. Today, you will put the exercises from Day 4 and Day 5 together to complete your personal mission statement. But what, exactly, is a personal mission statement, anyway?

Personal development website Dumb Little Man offers this great definition:

Your personal mission statement should be a concise representation of what’s most important to you, what you desire to focus on, what you want to achieve, and, ultimately, who you want to become. In its purest form, it’s an approach to your life, one that allows you to identify a focus of energy, creativity, and vision in living a life in support of your inner-most beliefs and values. Also remember that your mission will change over time as you and your life change.

I developed a personal mission statement a few years ago and it literally changed my life. Since then, I have trained over 200 people in my personal development workshops to develop their own personal mission statements and it is often a life-changing process for them. There’s something really powerful and empowering about being able to say YES or NO to opportunities that come into your life based on whether it fits within your personal mission and how you want to live out your values.

Estimated Time to Complete: 30-60 minutes

There are many ways to go about creating your own personal mission statement, but I will highlight my three-step formula that I use in my workshops here.

Values + Values in Action = Personal Mission Statement

Now that you’ve identified your values and what your values look like in action, you should now take at least 30 minutes to begin drafting your personal mission statement. You should take as much time as you need to reflect and write out your mission statement. It can be short-term or long-term, and should encompass your values and how you’d like to express them in your life. You don’t have to use ALL the values in your Reset 10 if you don’t want to. It may serve you best to only include your top three or you could include all 20 of the ones you came up with during your brainstorm. It’s up to you to decide what would be most useful.

The statement itself can be as short or as long as you think it needs to be, but the process and the final statement should serve to help you make different kinds of decisions about how you will live your life from now on. And remember, it will continue to change as YOU change over time, so don’t worry about it being perfect and final. This should be a work in progress, just like you!

As an example (please don’t feel like you have to do yours this way), here is what my updated personal mission statement looks like:

I value learning, independence, travel, creativity, achievement, and social change. I deeply appreciate laughter, good food, music and poetry in my life. I especially value authenticity and love in myself and others. Before I die, I want to have made a positive impact on the world for young people, women, and people of color. As a writer, speaker and coach, I will use my one life to affect many lives by helping people realize their goals and dreams. In my work and life, I will always tell my truth and make space for others to tell theirs. In my journey to empower others, I will not neglect my own family, friends, finances, health, or spirituality. I will remember that love is the only religion and that forgiveness is the highest form of love. And that fear means GO. I will remember that failure is only failure if you don’t learn anything and that nothing is ever so bad that you can’t get up and dance when the music comes on. And I will always, always choose love over fear.

Take Action and Reflect: When you’re done, please share your personal mission statement with us in the comments! How did you feel as you were writing it? If you blogged about today’s assignment, please post the link in the comments so we can read it

And away we go


I value family, friends, love, helping others, self, honesty, growth, travel, communication, and anything that does not look like depression. I ill strive in my life to show with visible signs what I value.With friends, family, and self – I will find new ways to improve relationships and release and forgive old hurts.  I will find new ways to help others and improve on what I am currently doing. I will no longer run from honesty. I will attempt to always provide it to myself and to others.  My personal growth will continue – stagnation no longer lives in my house.  Using effective communication, I will achieve all the above goals.  Then I will travel to celebrate my success.




day 6 is done dude.